On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 11:04:02PM -0500, David Rock wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 10:41:07PM -0400, Wade A. Mosely wrote:
> > 
> > The only problem I have with this is that the nice little message
> > telling me I have new mail in any newly created mailboxes isn't active
> > until the next time I startup Mutt (or :source .muttrc).
> >  
> If you are usng bash, you can have the shell tell you about new mail.
> from the bash manpage:
>        MAILPATH
>               A  colon-separated list of file names to be checked
>               for mail.  The message  to  be  printed  when  mail
>               arrives  in  a  particular file may be specified by
>               separating the file name from the  message  with  a
>               `?'.   When  used  in  the  text of the message, $_
>               expands to the name of the current mailfile.  Exam­
>               ple:
>               MAILPATH='/var/mail/bfox?"You                  have
>               mail":~/shell-mail?"$_ has mail!"'
>               Bash supplies a default value  for  this  variable,
>               but  the  location  of  the user mail files that it
>               uses is system dependent (e.g., /var/mail/$USER).

If I may butt-in folks :), I tried setting the MAILPATH in
~/.bash_profile as in

MAILPATH='/var/mail/hgf3:~/Mail/IN.mutt-users?"You have mutt mail."'

but nothing happened. The ~/IN.mutt-users mailbox contains all new

Any comments/ideas on this?


Horace G. Friend III
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