Dumas Patrice wrote:
> I did what I said
> (Centremessages=inbox, Envoye=sent)
> set spoolfile='~/nsmail/Centremessages'
> set record='~/nsmail/Envoye'
> set mbox='~/nsmail/Centremessages'
> set mark_old=no
> and there is the problem that netscape and mutt hasn't the same way of
> handling new or not new messages.
> Messages I put in the bin are still present in the mutt mailbox and all
> are marked as new in mutt. And having a message new or not in mutt
> doesn't change how netscape mark it.
> Does someone know where I could find doc on how to use mutt hooks or the
> like to keep mutt and netscape view of what is a new messages in sync,
> and so that I haven't mails I put in the bin in the inbox folder ?

I've been looking into this over the past few days. I've been meaning to
switch to Mutt for months (from Netscape), but never had the time to
figure out how to transfer the message status flags.

The problem is that Netscape uses the 'X-Mozilla-Status:' and
'X-Mozilla-Status2:' headers to store message status in 16 bit and 32
bit hex numbers respectively. Mutt (and Pine, etc.) store message status
in 'Status:' and 'X-Status:', which is different to Netscape.

I'm going to write a short script to convert Netscape status headers
into Mutt status headers today, and then I can finally move over to Mutt
after all these months. I don't think this script will allow you to do
what you are wanting to, in terms of synching the status of the
messages, unless you run it each time you swap between Mutt and
Netscape, which could be tedious.

      __   _
  -o)/ /  (_)__  __ ____  __      Chris Reeves
  /\\ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      ICQ# 22219005
 _\_v __/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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