I did what I said
(Centremessages=inbox, Envoye=sent)
set spoolfile='~/nsmail/Centremessages'
set record='~/nsmail/Envoye'
set mbox='~/nsmail/Centremessages'
set mark_old=no
and there is the problem that netscape and mutt hasn't the same way of
handling new or not new messages.
Messages I put in the bin are still present in the mutt mailbox and all
are marked as new in mutt. And having a message new or not in mutt
doesn't change how netscape mark it.
Does someone know where I could find doc on how to use mutt hooks or the
like to keep mutt and netscape view of what is a new messages in sync,
and so that I haven't mails I put in the bin in the inbox folder ?