On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 12:48:13PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Horace G. Friend III proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> > I compared it with my sendmail.mc and found 7 differents settings. I
> > only used 3 settings: MASQUERADE_AS, masquerade_envelope and SMART_HOST.
> That's basically what you need (there's the DELIVERY_MODE and CON_EXPENSIVE if
> you are offline, on a dialup / other non-permanently connected box so that mail
> is queued when you are offline)
> > It worked. It wasn't that difficult to configure sendmail after all.
> heh :)  
... on a single user system anyway.

Just FYI, kde.org still rejects mails from the domain mail.com even when
I used another SMTP server (my ISP). The workaround that I did was to
use a send-hook and set my_hdr From: to another "likeable" domain. I
send it again and so far no returns/bounces/dislikes. :)


Horace G. Friend III
GnuPG DSA/ElGamal Key Fingerprint
9295 80C4 C723 621B 9C2D  B53E D432 7936 4CA9 8AD6

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