* On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 06:58:03PM -0700, Dave Murray wrote:

Now my fucking english ..

> What are the ramifications on mutt & sendmail if I edit
> /etc/hosts?

This file is for make shure thats your maschine all
inside-maschines in the localnet knows.
> It currently is:
> localhost localhost.localdomain

Thats one of the entries, localhost.
Now make one more. What a name have our maschine??

> If I were to change it to
> bozo clown.circus

Ahh bozo iss the name and clown.circus the domaine ??
Hm..I didn´t like domaines like this. Whitout .de or .net.
Oki,...you have to sett one more in your /etc/hosts
#etc/hosts     localhost   bozo.clown.circus
# eof

When the hostname and domain iss ok. This your sett it in another
file under /etc.

Yor dont say what a Linux-distri...
For hostname is ist /etc/hostname. Iff your have any SuSE, your
can sett it in rc.config.
Ore Yast -> "Konfiguration the system"

> What will it mess up, make better, cause me to change?

Change it to this ...and it will run.

Mutt have nothing todo with this all,..its sendmail what need this
correct informationes.

Gruß Clemens

Clemens Wohld                            Fon:  +49 (040)  6 72 82 90
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