On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 06:19:42PM -0500, Travis Whitton wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've been using mutt for a long time now, and I just encountered my
> first problem today. I read/write email from my home router which is a
> Debian Woody machine running a 2.4 kernel. I've been using Sendmail as
> my SMTP server all along, but I decided to switch to Postfix today due
> to a long delay in the time it took messages to go out with Sendmail.
> The transition went very smoothly and everything seemed to be working
> perfectly(save one thing). Now, when I go into mutt, and I'm in the main
> inbox area and press 'c' to go into a separate folder and then press '?'
> to get a list of folders, the ex style editor at the bottom of the
> screen disappears, and I'm back in the inbox with no folder list. Does
> anybody have any idea why this would happen as a result of switching
> SMTP servers? My .muttrc file is safely intact along with all my mail
> folders and my /var/spool/mail directory. Needless to say, I'm at a
> loss. Any help would be appreciated because now I'm stuck with using
> Pine(Ugh!) to read the mail in my ~/mail/ directory.
My first guess is that postfix is using a different default location for
the mail spool file.
check your muttrc for a set folder=~/Mail, maybe?
David Rock
version 3.12
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