Hello everyone,
I've been using mutt for a long time now, and I just encountered my
first problem today. I read/write email from my home router which is a
Debian Woody machine running a 2.4 kernel. I've been using Sendmail as
my SMTP server all along, but I decided to switch to Postfix today due
to a long delay in the time it took messages to go out with Sendmail.
The transition went very smoothly and everything seemed to be working
perfectly(save one thing). Now, when I go into mutt, and I'm in the main
inbox area and press 'c' to go into a separate folder and then press '?'
to get a list of folders, the ex style editor at the bottom of the
screen disappears, and I'm back in the inbox with no folder list. Does
anybody have any idea why this would happen as a result of switching
SMTP servers? My .muttrc file is safely intact along with all my mail
folders and my /var/spool/mail directory. Needless to say, I'm at a
loss. Any help would be appreciated because now I'm stuck with using
Pine(Ugh!) to read the mail in my ~/mail/ directory.
Travis Whitton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>