Wade A. Mosely wrote:
> My problem is that I don't know what to use for ~/.muttrc in the
> $sendmail variable.  I tried
>         set sendmail="cat | procmail ~/.procoutrc"
> It didn't work.  That Mutt appends destination addresses to
> the command line appears to be the issue.  I am using the '-t'
> switch in sendmail to determine destination addresses, so
> ignoring those command line addresses is OK.  How can I accomplish
> this?  (Is there a better way than what I am doing?)

Well, passing the message to a very simple one line script seems
to work.  I made a ~/.mutt/mailout (mode +x to make it

        cat | procmail ~/.procoutrc
        # End of ~/.mutt/mailout

Then, in ~/.muttrc :

        set sendmail="~/.mutt/mailout"

This seems to work as desired, yet if there is an easier way, I'd
still appreciate knowing.  :o)


        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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