Hi Dave,
I've seen the article about the PGP flaw. :(
Question is, where does that leave PGP/GPG users and the security
issues involved?
On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 12:40:29PM -0700, Dave Murray wrote:
> Horace G. Friend III wrote on mutt-users:
> > I've got three keys (DSS/DH, RSA and DSS/ElGamal) and I can sign with
> > any that I choose by selecting the "save as" option. I am prompted for
> > which key to use. All my keys have the same userid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and
> > I select the key by their keyid. I've also got the default signing key
> > in my muttrc set to DSS/ElGamal.
> >
> > Can't think of what's wrong with your GnuPG unless something's wrong
> > with the muttrc config file.
> >
> > Have you tried running GnuPG outside of Mutt?
> Thanks Horace. I've revoked my old PGP DSS & RSA keys and only
> use my GPG DSS/ElGamal keys now. They were compatible, and I could
> select them. My issue is sub keys, I went ahead and expired all but
> one. I've decided that probably the best purpose for sub keys is
> for changing encryption keys while keeping the same signing key.
> Anyway, thanks again.
> BTW, have you PGP/GPG users seen this?:
> http://cryptome.org/pgp-email-flaw.htm
> Dave