Horace G. Friend III wrote on mutt-users:
> I've got three keys (DSS/DH, RSA and DSS/ElGamal) and I can sign with
> any that I choose by selecting the "save as" option. I am prompted for
> which key to use. All my keys have the same userid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and
> I select the key by their keyid. I've also got the default signing key
> in my muttrc set to DSS/ElGamal.
> Can't think of what's wrong with your GnuPG unless something's wrong
> with the muttrc config file.
> Have you tried running GnuPG outside of Mutt?
Thanks Horace. I've revoked my old PGP DSS & RSA keys and only
use my GPG DSS/ElGamal keys now. They were compatible, and I could
select them. My issue is sub keys, I went ahead and expired all but
one. I've decided that probably the best purpose for sub keys is
for changing encryption keys while keeping the same signing key.
Anyway, thanks again.
BTW, have you PGP/GPG users seen this?: