Please wrap your text at < 80 characters per line.

At 02:22 -0500 20 Mar 2001, Matt Kolon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any ideas why I keep getting this: ---|
>                                       |
>  Received: (from mkolon@localhost) <--|                        | <-mutt
>          by (8.11.0/8.11.0) id f2K7DQ425255  | <-sendmail
>          for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 20 Mar 2001 02:13:26 -0500 | <-recipient
> when I've set .muttrc with hostname=""?

Sendmail is doing that, not mutt.  There's no way for mutt to control
what appears there.  The only way to alter that would be to alter the
format for Received: headers in your file.

But, it's also not much of a problem.  That isn't the envelope sender
(that doesn't appear in sendmail-generated Received: headers),
sendmail's just recording where it got the message.  As with everything
in Received: headers, this value should never be used for anything other
than tracing where a message came from.

The only reason that this might be a problem is if you want your login
name to be kept secret.

If you are actually having problems with the envelope sender being used,
setting $envelope_from may help.

> The docs (and advice on the many threads on this topic) seem
> contradictory WRT the use of the hostname variable, sometimes saying
> that it should be used to fix the above, sometimes saying that it's
> the default domain for unqualified sent mail. Which is it? Is it both
> (after setting use_domain)?

It's used for several things:

- If $use_domain is set, it's added to any addresses (either sender or
  recipient) that don't already have domains attached.  This is the only
  one that's really important.
- Message IDs
- File names for messages in maildir-format mailboxes.
- Names for various temporary files.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The only difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman is
 that the car salesman knows he's lying.

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