Hi Mutt People:

Any ideas why I keep getting this: ---|
 Received: (from mkolon@localhost) <--|                        | <-mutt
         by anxiety.kolon.org (8.11.0/8.11.0) id f2K7DQ425255  | <-sendmail
         for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 20 Mar 2001 02:13:26 -0500 | <-recipient

when I've set .muttrc with hostname="anxiety.kolon.org"?

The docs (and advice on the many threads on this topic) seem contradictory WRT the use 
of the hostname variable, sometimes saying that it should be used to fix the above, 
sometimes saying that it's the default domain for unqualified sent mail. Which is it? 
Is it both (after setting use_domain)?

Thanks in advance,


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