Hi All,
I like to thank everyone who tried to help me with error produced
when I try to run: man procmail | col -b > procmail.txt
I never got to solve the problem but I've made, upon suggestions and
tips from list members, a good procmail.ps from using the -t option
of the "man" command. Thanks.
I suspected that the "bugs" from RH6.0 was carried-over when I last
upgraded to RH7.0, I decided to "trash" :) everything (after making
a backup) and made a clean install of RH7.0. Next I tried the
"man procmail | col-b > procmail.txt" which worked perfectly.
So my assumptions were right. I had "bugs" in my system.
Next came PGP/GnuPG. I've been using PGP ever since under windoze
but Linux came and there was GnuPG (v1.0.2) which couldn't handle
RSA keys and had compatibility issues with ElGamal keys with PGP.
The compatibility thing was a "big pain in the neck" and I had a
big problem of which application to use. PGP6.5.8 could handle RSA
keys but was not working (on my system anyway) under mutt.
A solution. GNUPG v1.0.4 came along and this solved my problems
because it can handle RSA public keys. I was even able to import
RSA keys with the --allow-secret-key-import option.
So you think my problems are solved? :) Heh-heh-heh! There's
more coming because now I'll leave things as is and move on
to those that need my attention -- like how can I configure VIM
to automatically reformat my paragraph while composing mail...
Moving on... and thanks.
Horace G. Friend III
GnuPG DSA/ElGamal Key Fingerprint
9295 80C4 C723 621B 9C2D B53E D432 7936 4CA9 8AD6
PGP signature