On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 02:50:23PM +0800 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Horace G. Friend III thought:
> Hi All,
> This is off-topic but I need a quick fix so I hope you'll oblige. 
> I still do double-sided printing in windoze because of my printer
> (HP710C). :(  I'd like to convert several man pages into plain 
> text and save it to my windoze dir. How can I do that?
> I've tried this command as suggested by man man page but doesn't work.
> man procmail | col -b > procmail.txt 

man -t <manpage> > <manpage.ps>

you get postscript out of that.  I use mpage and a wrapper script to do
double-sided printing since the printer is no longer connected directly to
the Windoze box.  It works in much the same way as the windows
double-sided driver but can print multiple pages per sheet of paper (very
handy for printing web sites!).  Shout if you'd like it to try out
(Imagine, not having to boot windoze just to print something!).


Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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