Hi Lars,

Yup it was me alright. :)

I tried to take up your offer of scanning that AHAOFIAH.EXE file
that I suspected of having a virus. I encrypted and signed the
binary and tried to send it to your email address as an

What baffles me is that I can send to this list. I've set sendmail
on verbose mode and I can see that outgoing mail is from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and yet the remote system accepts this
"without a whimper".

Well, back to tweaking ...



On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 03:31:32PM +0000, Lars Hecking wrote:
> > I sent two msgs to two members of Mutt-Users' List (directly to their
> > email address) and both msgs were bounced back because of the ff. errors:
>  So that was you ...
> > How can I fix the problem? Before I set ~/.procmailrc everything seems
> > fine. Could the error be cause by ~/.procmailrc?
>  No way. Unless you filter *outbound* mail through procmail.

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