
I'm not sure if this has any bearing but I've recently setup procmailrc
to handle local mail delivery (mailists) and it works fine.

I sent two msgs to two members of Mutt-Users' List (directly to their
email address) and both msgs were bounced back because of the ff. errors:

---- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----
  (Reason: 554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address rejected:
  Access denied.)

---- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----
  (reason: 501 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist.)

I check my /etc/hosts and it contains the ff.   localhost   localhost.localdomain  home.netscape.com  home6.netscape.com

I went over ~/.mutt/muttrc file and found two settings that may have
a bearing on this error... but I'm not sure.

set hostname=""  
set use_domain=yes

My ISP's domain is skyinet.net but I also use another ISP iloilo.net.
The only entries in /etc/resolve.conf are that of skyinet.net with
its nameservers. Should I also enter iloilo.net and its nameservers?

How can I fix the problem? Before I set ~/.procmailrc everything seems
fine. Could the error be cause by ~/.procmailrc?

Thanks for the help.

Horace G. Friend III
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