I have it as this:

macro index "\e[11~" "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt

and as \e[11~ and same thing happened? should I restart Enlighenment ?

On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:29:03PM -0600, Jeremy A. Gray muttered:
| On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:37:26PM +0100, Kai Weber wrote:
| > + Jason Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| > 
| > > This works fine in Xterm, however in Eterm this brings up a mod menu for
| > > the Eterm I am working in. Does anyone know how to change this behavior?
| > 
| > Had this problem, too. Someone on this list helped me (sorry, forget
| > who exactly). Add this lines to your theme.cfg:
| > 
| > ---- cut here ---
| > 
| > # F1 - F4 since xterm sends different codes for these mutt is looking for them
| > # instead of what Eterm sends by default.
| >     keysym 0xFFBE "^[OP"
| >     keysym 0xFFBF "^[OQ"
| >     keysym 0xFFC0 "^[OR"
| >     keysym 0xFFC1 "^[OS"
| > 
| > ---- cut here ---
| > 
| I just had this problem as well, but I decided to configure mutt for
| Eterm instead of what Kai suggested.  If you bind your manual macro to
| "\e[11~" in your ~/.muttrc, you can use F1 in Eterm to view the manual.
| All the key codes generated by Eterm for the special keys are listed in
| the documentation installed with Eterm as well.  
| -- 
| Jeremy A. Gray                        A434 Chemical and Life Sciences Laboratory
| Graduate Student--Chemical Physics    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~jagray/
| "Remember the Pueblo.  " -- The Fourth Law of Marvin

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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