On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 10:29:22PM -0500, Marc Tardif wrote:
>How can I manage multiple imap mailboxes in mutt? I'd like to be
>able to read each mailbox seperately, perhaps using a convenient
>way to switch between them. I'd also like to avoid having to
>re-enter my password each time (even if it means compromising
>security by keeping cleartext passwords in a local file, though
>I'd like to avoid that also if possible).  And finally, with the
>setup above, I'd like to be able to move messages from one imap
>mailbox to another. Is this all possible?

I solved this like 

$ cat .muttrc-the
#I use IMAP.
set spoolfile={[EMAIL PROTECTED]:143}inbox

#This is my folder there are many like it but this one is mine.
set folder={[EMAIL PROTECTED]:143}inbox.

# Le password
set imap_pass=foo

# All the other settings are in another file.
source .muttrc-common

$ cat .muttrc-common
#We want mailcheck to work,
set imap_passive=no

#Set up my personal addresses.

For the switching or simultanious runs, use screen, ksh alias,
shell scripts and other stuff like it for running mutt with the
-F option e.x. mutt -F .muttrc-the

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