On Wed 21-Feb-2001 at 10:29:22PM -0500, Marc Tardif wrote:
> How can I manage multiple imap mailboxes in mutt? I'd like to be able
> to read each mailbox seperately, perhaps using a convenient way to
> switch between them.

Sorry I can't help you, but this reminds me of a feature that I'd like
to suggest for imap browsing (hmm, this could be a really stupid idea).

I would be nice to create a dummy file or symlink in a mailfolder to an
imap mailbox and browse it as if it was just another local mbox or


> I'd also like to avoid having to re-enter my password each time (even
> if it means compromising security by keeping cleartext passwords in a
> local file, though I'd like to avoid that also if possible).

Have a look at imap_pass and imap_user in the manual, you can set these
in your muttrc file.

> And finally, with the setup above, I'd like to be able to move
> messages from one imap mailbox to another. Is this all possible?

I think you need to use the full path to the destination imap folder,
you can use tab completion to make this easier.

In mutt-1.2.* imap paths look like this:


In mutt-1.3.* they look like this:

  imap:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/folder/


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