Roel Vanhout ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect on 02/15/2001:
> Anyway, my question of the day is if there is a better way to detect new
> mail in the folder view. According to the manual new mail is detected by
> checking the access time of the folder, but I also have a mailchecker
> applet running so this is not good. I would also like to detect not only
> new mail, but also 'old' new mail (marked with O instead of N). This
> doesn't seem to be possible by using %N in the folder_format. I use
> Maildir to store my mail in. Would there be a way to use an external
> program to check for new mail? I could write my own script to go through
> all 'new' directories. 

I got around this problem by setting mark_old to no, which tells
mutt not to mark new messages with an 'O' when I leave the folder
without reading them. When I come back they are still marked 'N'.
I believe %N matches these "new" messages.


There are trivial truths and there are great Truths. The opposite of a
trival truth is obviously false. The opposite of a great Truth is also true.
    -- Neils Bohr

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