
I am running mutt 1.2.5i and I would like to know three things:

1) I have three email boxes, specified using the "mailboxes" command, and email is 
directly to all of them; how can I specify which one should be opened when I start 
mutt? Can I
just point the spoolfile variable to it or does this change something else?

2) Some months ago someone posted to the list a set of macros which implemented key 
similar to the ones used in lynx; do you know where I can find them?

3) I would like to use the emacs key bindings involving the metakey (M-b for jumping 
back one
word, M-f for jumping forward one word, etc) in mutt (i.e., in the minibuffer); I 
tried setting
the meta_key variable yet this didn't do the trick: I still get a highlighted left 
followed by X if I press Meta-X. Can I somehow change this?

Thank you,


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