On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 09:22:16AM +0900, Joss Winn wrote:
> 1. Is there any way of flushing deleted mail without having to quit Mutt
> or change to a different folder/mailbox?  I'd like deleted mail out of
> my sight at the press of a button.

yeap .. the command is called "sync-mailbox" and i think the default
key it is bound to is "$"

> 2. Currently, I open Mutt and it defaults to /spool/joss.  Is there any
> way to have it default to my mbox when I open Mutt and when new mail
> arrives, have that mail automatically moved from the spool to mbox where
> I can read/delete, etc.  Basically, I want to reduce the amount of
> shifting between mail boxes and work mainly in mbox (I have one mail box
> where all kept mail resides).

thats a job for procmail or maildrop ... 
i guess there's a link to some procmail faq from the mutt faq ..
if you like perl better you may try maildrop.

> joss
> please cc me at my own address as I'm on the digest and have yet to
> recieve one (perhaps there has been no list mail for the last couple of days?)

i've put you on bcc .. so nobody gets confused if more follow-up mails
should arrive. hope thats ok .. 


                Heinrich Langos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     pgp: http://wh9.tu-dresden.de/~heinrich/pub_pgp_key.asc
|o| The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. |o|
|o| It's absolutely not. It's the stupidest reason to buy a new |o|
|o| version I ever heard. -- Bill Gates,  Microsoft Corporation |o|

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