On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 09:29:06AM -0000, Jim M. wrote:

> Then I openned the mutt. I selected the first message that had pdf 
> attachments.
> I typed "v" to see attahcments. I highlighted an attachments of type ".pdf". 
> Hit the <return>.
> I got the error: "no matching mailcap entry found. viewing in text mode". 

[Note that I am replying only to mutt-users and not mutt-dev as it will
be less confusing to keep the discussion in one place and mutt-users
seems more appropriate.]

There are a number of things I can think of that could be causing this

> I typed "v" to see attahcments. I highlighted an attachments of type ".pdf". 
> Hit the <return>.

First of all, mutt will not use the "application/pdf" entry in your
mailcap unless the content-type of the attachment is application/pdf.
Simply having a file name suffix/extension of .pdf is not sufficient.
If the content-type is application/octet-stream, for example, you may
need to use an external program like mutt.octet.filter.

> I added the "application/pdf; /usr/bin/acroread %s" to my /etc/mailcap file 
> as someone in here suggested.. saved it.

According to the mutt 1.2 manual, mutt looks in a serial of mailcap
files, which by default are:


I think that mutt looks in all of these, not just the first one it
finds, so putting your entry in /etc/mailcap should be fine unless this
path has been modified by a mailcap_path setting in a muttrc.

> Maybe muttrc missing something. Where is muttrc located at?.

Again according to the mutt 1.2 manual, the system muttrc file is
"typically /usr/local/share/mutt/Muttrc or /etc/Muttrc".  Mutt next
looks for ~/.muttrc and then ~/.mutt/muttrc.  You can also type 'mutt
-v' to see the SHAREDIR and SYSCONFDIR directories specified for your
particular mutt when it was built.  Another way to find the system
Muttrc, since you're running Red Hat Linux, is to use the 'locate'
command.  Execute 'locate Muttrc' to see where that file is on your
system.  When you find it, check the setting of mailcap_path, if any.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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