I installed acroread rpm for my redhat 6.0. It is in /usr/bin/acroread and 
when I type acroread it
nicely opens up.
I added the "application/pdf; /usr/bin/acroread %s" to my /etc/mailcap file 
as someone in here
suggested.. saved it.
Then I openned the mutt. I selected the first message that had pdf 
I typed "v" to see attahcments. I highlighted an attachments of type ".pdf". 
Hit the <return>.
I got the error: "no matching mailcap entry found. viewing in text mode". 
Then i saw
the attachment as bunch of garbage stuff on the screen. Tried different 
things still did not
work. Maybe muttrc missing something. Where is muttrc located at?.
What is wrong and how can i fix it?.

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