Hello John!

On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, John P. Verel wrote:

> I've just installed w3m 0.1.9-6, wanting to try it as my Mutt pager,
> from the RedHat Power Tools distro.  I've moved the default config
> file into ~/.w3m/ (named config)   When I start w3m with a fully
> expanded url, I get a segfault.  

If you get a segfault message then it seems to be a problem with
your system-environment, espacially your (recent) Library.
Maybe your 'w3m' version is linked against another (older/newer?)
Library. That's a reason to compile your own 'w3m' program
which will work with your system-environment. 

bye - Wilhelm

   .~.          ___     _  _____   ___ ___  __  __   
   /V\      | |    (_) | __ \  | | | |  \ \/ /   Wilhelm Wienemann
  // \\     | |__  | | | | | | | |_| |  |    |   Amselweg 10
 /(   )\    |____| |_| |_| |_|  \____|  /_/\_\   D-47546 Kalkar/Germany
  ^`~'^     powered by Linux - solutions  for smart penguins

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