On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 03:01:56PM -0500, John P. Verel wrote:
> I've just installed w3m 0.1.9-6, wanting to try it as my Mutt pager,
> from the RedHat Power Tools distro. I've moved the default config file
> into ~/.w3m/ (named config) When I start w3m with a fully expanded
> url, I get a segfault. I'm running RH7 with the latest glibc update
> (Jan 18?).
I once had segfaulting w3m too, but I can't remember the exact version.
The reason was faulty code in w3m handling proxy-environment variables.
Try unsetting all proxy related environment variables and see if it helps.
You might find a patch I made from Debian bug tracking system. =)
Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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