Hi Heinrich!

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Heinrich Langos wrote:

> how about this ? 
> Mail/mutt-users  [Msgs:413   New:18   1.1M]
> Mail/sf/vuln-dev [Msgs:141            478K]
> Mail/nymip       [Msgs:54             368K]
> now wouldn't that be nice ?

There's a patch available on Brandon Long's "mutt insanity"
site (linked from mutt.org). 


Folder Count This patch causes mutt to count the number of
messages and new messages in a folder when you are using the
mutt Folder Mode (dirlist.c). This has a lot of overhead,
and is slow (especially over NFS), but if you have cycles to
spare, or few mail folders, this is for you. 

First Version Patched: 0.47
Author: Brandon Long 
PGP Effects: None


The patch is targeted at an older version of mutt (1.0 or
so, IIRC), but it shouldn't be too hard to adopt it for a
current version.

If you try it, I would like to know how it works.

Another approach I've seen on one of the linked mutt pages
is a script, which uses procmail's log to determine the
number of new messages.


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