On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 05:08:24PM +0300 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Vitaly A. Repin thought:
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 03:03:31PM +0100, Jeroen Valcke wrote:
> > very simple obvious task. How can I move messages to another folder. I
> > read something of a copy command (C) but nothing of a move command. By
> > tagging the messages I would be able to move a bunch of msgs to another
> > mailbox, right?
> Yes. You should tag the messags you like, press ";" key, and after this press "s"
>key. It seems to me, this is what you need.
> Also, you can use the "d" command to delete message from the mailbox.
> You can do this command with ";" prefix too.
> --
> WBR & WBW, Vitaly.
Interestingly, I don't seem to need the ";" when using 'd', 'C', 'N' on
tagged messages. It happens automatically. I'm using
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