At 12:41 -0500 19 Jan 2001, "Douglas L . Potts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :0 fw
> | sed -e 's/"JOSEFINA EDWARD"/"Sophy Edwards"/g' >> INBOX
If you redirect the output to a file, the recipe is no longer working as
a filter so the f flag should be removed. You should also tell procmail
to use a lockfile by putting a colon at the end of the first line.
Also you need an asterisk at the beginning of the condition line.
Backslash quoting the dots (other than the first one) in this line would
also be a good idea.
The modified recipe would then be:
* ^From:.*j\.edward@codetel\.net\.do
| sed -e 's/"JOSEFINA EDWARD"/"Sophy Edwards"/g' >> INBOX
However, since procmail is the ultimate supply of rope for mail hacking,
here are the directions for tying a noose: -- Philip Guenther