Quoting Nelson D. Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> * On Fri Jan 19 2001, Frank Booth screamed:
> -> On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 11:17:29AM +0000, Nelson wrote:
> -> > These are the lines I added to my .procmailrc:
> -> >
> -> > :0 FBw
> -> > * ^From:.*JOSEFINA
[--- snipped intermediate message where 'F' was changed to 'f' ---]
Don't believe you need the 'B' in there, you are matching on the Header
lines not the body lines.
B Egrep the body.
Douglas L. Potts Spectral Systems, Inc. Url: http://www.bigfoot.com/~pottsdl
"There are no real ANSWERS; just cross references..."
- Steve Presutti 7/31/97