On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 03:35:34PM +0100, Heinrich Langos wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 10:03:39AM -0600, Bob Willcox wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > What is the proper response to the prompt:
> >
> > Please enter the key ID:
> >
> > after accidently hitting a key to provoke (might have been K)? Once I
> > get into this mode, nothing I type in seems to satisfy mutt and I wind
> > up having to kill the entire mutt session to get free (which causes me
> > to lose all of my current mailbox state).
> >
> > Does anybody know what I can do to get mutt to quit this prompt?
> enter a correct key ID ? :-)
> naahh .. just kidding .. you probably hit the key that is bound to
> sign your message by pgp or gpg ... and mutt realy gets stuck in there
> when e.g. it can't find the "pgp_list_secring_command". I had the same
> problem. pgpring (one of mutt's utilities) was not in the PATH and
> mutt got stuck at that prompt.
yes, there is one (and I think it should be in the FAQ, so Cc: to the
FAQ-maintainer and my answer in a form that can be included.):
Q: I've typed a key accidentally and now mutt asks me to enter something. I
just want to get out again!
A: Try Ctrl-G. This aborts the prompt and returns to whatever you did
before. (A common example for this is sending encrypted mail, when mutt
cannot find a suitable key id for any reason whatsoever and prompts "Please
enter the key ID:" repeatedly.)