On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 10:03:39AM -0600, Bob Willcox wrote:
> Hi All,
> What is the proper response to the prompt:
>     Please enter the key ID:
> after accidently hitting a key to provoke (might have been K)?  Once I
> get into this mode, nothing I type in seems to satisfy mutt and I wind
> up having to kill the entire mutt session to get free (which causes me
> to lose all of my current mailbox state).
> Does anybody know what I can do to get mutt to quit this prompt?

enter a correct key ID ? :-)

naahh .. just kidding .. you probably hit the key that is bound to 
sign your message by pgp or gpg ... and mutt realy gets stuck in there
when e.g. it can't find the "pgp_list_secring_command". I had the same
problem. pgpring (one of mutt's utilities) was not in the PATH and 
mutt got stuck at that prompt.

i don't know if there's a way out of this prompt ... i didn't find
one neither.


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