On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 08:53:49PM +0100, Josh Huber wrote:
> Is this necessary? I'm using:
> set reply_regexp=
> '^(\[[a-z0-9:-]+\][ \t]*)?(re([\[0-9\]+])*|aw):[\t]*'
> and it's threading mailing lists of this type for me...
> for example:
> [ruby-talk:7097] Rubyize this method
> [ruby-talk:7099] Re: Rubyize this method
> [ruby-talk:7104] Re: Rubyize this method
> are all threaded properly. (well, not as good as messages with
> In-Reply-To: but better than having threads scattered all over the
> folder)
> perhaps the regex wasn't quite right?
But with your regexp you cannot determine the head of the thread (w/o
the Re:) like the first line of your example
[ruby-talk:7097] Rubyize this method
You need to add a "?" after the (re...) pattern.
The regexp which finally works for me is now
set reply_regexp=
'^(\[[a-z0-9:-]+\][ \t]*)?((re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*)?+[ \t]*'