this is certainly ot, but you made a really wrong assumption (I hope) about
Germany and I don't want to let that stand.
>I don't know the terms of the German grant to the FSF for funding GPG;
>perhaps the test is on their web site (but, alas, I am not literate in
The site's native language is english:
>I'm not sure, but I suspect that -- in spite of their Orwellian ban on
>teaching the history of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and other evidence
You are either totally misinformed or denying that anything bad happened
in these years. Which one?
During my time in various schools, I had to take three classes about nazism
in Germany. This is typical.
>On the other tentacle, perhaps the German government funded the
>development of GPG because they were worried about the American government
>reading their email? But didn't want to say so publicly?
That and they possibly even like GnuPG's motto:
Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und
Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich.
Grundgesetz, Artikel 10, Abs 1.
Secrecy of letters as well as sanctity of
mail, telephone and telegraph are inviolable.
Basic Law, Article 10, Paragraph 1