On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 08:22:33AM -0500, Thomas E. Dickey muttered:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Charles Curley wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 01:56:21PM -0800, Myrddin muttered:
> > One reason is security. GPG is free software, PGP is captive. This means
> > you can get the GPG source, read it and compile it for yourself.
> you also compile PGP (and presumably find the time to read it).

For Unix, the source has always been available, because of the nature of
Unix distribution. Which I ought to have said.

However, for Windows and Mac, NAI has only recently made source
available. This is a change since the last time I looked at PGP, so I
apologize for the error. However, their Mac and Windows source releases
lag after the binary releases.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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