Jens Paulus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: : : 2.) If I use "set [EMAIL PROTECTED]", Mutt considers : [EMAIL PROTECTED] as one of my email addresses. But now I want Mutt consider : two or more addresses as belonging to me. How can I do this? : "set [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is not the right : way. you need to separate your addresses with pipes (|), not commas. e.g.: set [EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|... -- andrew michael greenburg ! a m g @ b e w l e y . n e t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. Jens Paulus
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. ndrw mchl grnbrg
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. Johannes Zellner
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. Martin
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. Wilhelm Wienemann
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. Heinrich Langos
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mu... Wilhelm Wienemann
- Re: German umlauts and alternates ... Byrial Jensen
- Re: German umlauts and alterna... Wilhelm Wienemann
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mu... Michael Tatge
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mu... Kai Blin
- Re: German umlauts and alternates in Mutt. msquared