On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 12:21:20AM -0800, David Alban wrote:
> Greetings,
> So... I finally upgraded. :-) No problems on my irix box. However,
> there are a few problems with the new version on my friend's linux
> box. Version info is:
> Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
> System: Linux 2.0.32 [using ncurses 1.9.9e]
> Mutt 0.95.4us (1999-03-03)
> System: Linux 2.0.32 [using slang 10202]
With regard to your terminal problems, I see that you used to use
SLang but with the new compile you've switched to ncurses. The only
problem with that is that ncurses is now at version 5.2! I suspect you'd
find that mutt works a great deal better with a recent ncurses.
The same two lines from my system...
Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
System: FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE [using ncurses 5.1]
I'm not sure about the problems with postponed messages. I can't
reproduce it, so I can't even suggest what's wrong.
> Can someone help me get mutt working correctly?
I hope the above information will help.
> Thanks!
> David
You're welcome,