Greetings! Here's a situation which occurs infrequently, and is not really a problem, but I'm curious about it. Every once in a while I get a message from someone and it appears that mutt is confused by the Date: header (it is possible that the user's mua isn't comforming with standards). I just got one. The Date: header is: Date: Wed, 6 Dec 00 17:47:09 EST But mutt interprets this (in my index listing) as: 2037/01/13 00:15 -0500 (I display my dates as "%{%Y/%m/%d %R %Z}".) I suspect the two digit year supplied by the sender is messing things up. Is there any way to configure mutt to deal gracefully with the sender's mistake? Again, this is not a problem. I'm just curious. Thanks, David -- Live in a world of your own, but always welcome visitors.