I have the user fro"hlich He tries to subscribe to a mailinglist, so he does echo | qmail-inject [EMAIL PROTECTED] He receives a confirmation request with From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: +"mw-dir-sc.976052641.bajogknapkbddkofkdco-fro\"hlich=thales.memphis.edu"@thales +.memphis.edu When he presses `r' for reply, he is prompted with the address in the From: field To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Why? Nevertheless, I copy the address "mw-dir-sc.976052641.bajogknapkbddkofkdco-fro\"hlich=thales.memphis.edu"@thales..memphis.edu in the To: field and press RET, but mutt just aborts (does not prompt me with the Subject:). I think mutt removes the backslash from \", and then it terms the address incorrect. To confirm this, I create the user fr"o"hlich, who is also doing echo | qmail-inject [EMAIL PROTECTED] He receives the confirmation request with Reply-To: +"mw-dir-sc.976054041.enbpfcnbmdnkgjaimmpl-fr\"o\"hlich=thales.memphis.edu"@thal +es.memphis.edu when he presses `r' to reply, he is prompted with the following address "mw-dir-sc.976054041.enbpfcnbmdnkgjaimmpl-fr"o"hlich=thales.memphis.edu"@thales.memphis.edu which is invalid. So you see mutt removes the backslash from \". Why? Thx Mate