You were on the right track Anand. I changed the
permissions on the /etc directory per the other
reply (from Peter) to my plea for help. And now
you see this message is from the problem child
(linux box).
Quoting Anand Buddhdev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 11:11:02AM -0600, Kelly Scroggins wrote:
The problem isn't sendmail. It's your /etc directory, as the log shows.
Somehow, you've given it group write permission. As root, run the following
command, and you should be fine:
# chmod 0755 /etc
> I'm having a problem sending mail *>OUT<* of my Linux box. Recieving
> mail works very well.
> This problem just 'suddenly' appeared a month or two ago. Everything
> worked very well for several months.
> The Linux box is Red Hat 6.1, stock kernel, and the email client is Mutt
> 1.0pre3us.
> The error produced by Mutt is :
> /etc/ line 90: fileclass: cannot open /etc/
> Group writable directory
> When I attempt to start Sendmail from the console prompt it says this :
> # /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start
> Starting sendmail: WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
> 451 /etc/ line 90: fileclass: cannot open /etc/
> Group writable directory [FAILED]
> I've uninstalled Sendmail and re-intatlled Sendmail but I the errors
> persist.
> I've changed the permissions on the /etc/ file too. The
> change I made was to make it world writable. That did not work either.
> The default permissions are :
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59 Sep 1 1999 /etc/
> If anyone can offer some suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.
> Thanks,
> kelly