I'm having a problem sending mail *>OUT<* of my Linux box.  Recieving
mail works very well.

This problem just 'suddenly' appeared a month or two ago.  Everything
worked very well for several months.

The Linux box is Red Hat 6.1, stock kernel, and the email client is Mutt

The error produced by Mutt is :

/etc/sendmail.cf: line 90: fileclass: cannot open /etc/sendmail.cw:
Group writable directory

When I attempt to start Sendmail from the console prompt it says this :

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start
Starting sendmail: WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
WARNING: Group writable directory /etc
451 /etc/sendmail.cf: line 90: fileclass: cannot open /etc/sendmail.cw:
Group writable directory      [FAILED]

I've uninstalled Sendmail and re-intatlled Sendmail but I the errors

I've changed the permissions on the /etc/sendmail.cw file too.  The
change I made was to make it world writable.  That did not work either.  

The default permissions are :

-rw-r--r--  1 root   root  59 Sep 1 1999 /etc/sendmail.cw

If anyone can offer some suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.


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