On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 04:25:20PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
Jorg Ziefle thought:
> I want to pipe a message from within Mutt to a Perl program, which not
> only processes it, but as well reads some user input from STDIN. As far
> as I know, the <pipe-message> command ('|') only allows to _write_ the
> message to STDOUT, but then returns immediately (as its name suggests).
> So, is there a possibilty to achieve printing to a message to an
> external program which is then executed _before_ returning to Mutt?
I've fought that fight before and AFAIK, there's no way to catch stdin
from mutt. It *is* possible to capture input from the current tty with
the $THIS_TTY variable. Just do a "read SOMETHING < $THIS_TTY" but mutt
handles anything that comes in on *its* tty and so this isn't possible
Domestic Sysadmin :-)