I want to pipe a message from within Mutt to a Perl program, which not only processes it, but as well reads some user input from STDIN. As far as I know, the <pipe-message> command ('|') only allows to _write_ the message to STDOUT, but then returns immediately (as its name suggests). So, is there a possibilty to achieve printing to a message to an external program which is then executed _before_ returning to Mutt? Thanks, Jörg
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Jorg Ziefle
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Luke Ravitch
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Ashton
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Conor Daly
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Jorg Ziefle
- Re: piping & executing external commands (STDIN) Gary Johnson
- Re: piping & executing external commands (ST... Conor Daly
- Re: piping & executing external commands... Gary Johnson
- Re: piping & executing external com... Conor Daly