Hello Ulf and others

That's it!
I does the following:
- mailboxes =postponed
- set postponed="~/Mail/postponed

Now it's run correctly!

Thanks a lot.

----- Forwarded message from Ulf Erikson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

> > % I test diffrent settings in .muttrc but when I start mutt I always reveive the
> > %  following error: "/home/info/Mail is not a mailbox".

> > % What is going wrong?

It looks like /home/info/Mail (or ~/Mail) is the directory where you
store your mailboxes, in mbox format. For some reason Mutt tries to open
that directory as a mailbox, which it is not.
My guess is that the faulty line is the one about where to store
postponed mails. 

> ################################################################
> # set postponed="~/postponed" This is where postponed stuff    #
> # goes. I really dislike having loads of files in my home      #
> # directory, so I put everything I can elsewhere.              #
> ################################################################
> set postponed="~/Mail"

Quoting the manual:

 "Type: path
 "Default: "~/postponed" 
 "Mutt allows you to indefinitely ``postpone sending a message'' which
 "you are editing. When you choose to postpone a message, Mutt saves it
 "in the folder specified by this variable. Also see the ``postpone''

It has to be a folder/mailbox. Try
  set postponed="~/Mail/postponed"


----- End forwarded message -----




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