On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 02:55:31PM -0500 David T-G wrote:

> % I test diffrent settings in .muttrc but when I start mutt I always reveive the
> %  following error: "/home/info/Mail is not a mailbox".
> You probably have an entry like 
>   mailboxes /home/info/Mail
> in your muttrc file.  
No, there is no 'mailboxes /home/info/Mail' in my .muttrc.

> Did you mean to set $folder instead?
I set 'set folder=~/Mail'

> % What is going wrong?
> My guess is that it isn't a mailbox :-)  Is that your mail directory,
> with mailboxes therein?  What does file(1) tell you about it?  
mbox => mail text
sent => english text (??)

I attached you my .muttrc .



Martin Schweizer

#          Telsa's over-long .muttrc.                          #
#                                                              #
# This all started when I wanted to switch colours off when    #
# reading email. I read the documentation, and got completely  #
# sidetracked with all the _other_ things I could do instead!  #
#                                                              #
# Mutt has a set of internal defaults for each variable,       #
# option, and thing you can tinker with. When you start it up, #
# it will first apply all of those. Then it will look for a    #
# file on the computer called "Muttrc", which has a set of     #
# default settings for everyone on the system. This usually    #
# lives in /etc/Muttrc. It applies those settings.             #
#                                                              #
# And _then_ it looks in the home directory of the user in     #
# question for a file called ".muttrc". If this exists, it     #
# applies the settings in that, too.                           #
#                                                              #
# So the place to put your personal ones is in that .muttrc in #
# your home directory, because it's the last one that mutt     #
# checks, so those defaults will stick.                        #
#                                                              #
# Your personal .muttrc does not need to mention every         #
# setting. (Mine certainly doesn't.) It only needs to mention  #
# the ones which are different from the default Muttrc. This   #
# makes starting out very easy. If there is one single thing   #
# you don't like in the main one, just set that one single     #
# thing in your .muttrc and forget about all the others. :)    #
#                                                              #
# However, if you're going to make a lot of changes, then a    #
# useful thing to do is to copy the Muttrc and call the copy   #
# '.muttrc' and put it in your home directory. That way, you   #
# can just tweak that one easily. That's what I did, anyway,   #
# and it worked for me.                                        #
#                                                              #
# -Don't- edit the default Muttrc unless you know what you're  #
# doing. Stick to playing with your own personal one until     #
# you have something you know works. If the personal one goes  #
# wrong, you can just delete it, and then mutt will use the    #
# settings in the Muttrc and all is well.                      #
#                                                              #
# Thanks to: the mutt manual writers, the mutt-users mailing   #
# list, Tom Gilbert, Georg Griev, Dick Porter, Fairlight and   #
# Mikko Hänninen for patience under much questioning, (from    #
# everything from 'is a mailbox the same as a folder?' to 'why #
# is this pattern not being evaluated?'). Thanks also to the   #
# rpm specfile writer who carefully included exactly how to    #
# make PGP work with mutt even if you had the US version. And  #
# thanks to the people who put their muttrcs on the web. You   #
# may recognise a lot of this one...                           # 
#                                                              #
# Feel free to peruse, borrow and alter this for your own use. #
# If it breaks something, I won't be too surprised; if it      #
# works, I'll be delighted.                                    #
#                                                              #
# Comments and criticisms and corrections and spellchecks are  #
# all welcome (spam is not, however): send 'em to              #
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    #
#                                           -- Telsa           #

# A basic convention for almost any ordinary file in your      #
# home directory whose name begins with a dot and ends with    #
# 'rc' is that anything with a # mark at the start of the line #
# is a comment and to be ignored. If you look at files that    #
# fit those criteria, the only exception you're likely to find #
# is that sometimes you'll see "#!/bin/sh" at the very top.    #
#                                                              #
# Sorry, there would have to be an exception, wouldn't there?  #
#                                                              #
# Anyway, anything with hash marks at the start won't get run. #
# This is handy for documenting things, or for temporarily     #
# removing a command without having to write down what it      #
# looked like in case you want to put it back in.              #
#                                                              #
# You will find lots of such comments in this file :)          #

# I am assuming that you have access to the mutt manual, which #
# comes with mutt. This is not the manual produced by typing   #
# 'man mutt' but the longer document which explains in gory    #
# detail every setting. Sometimes I shall just say "the list   #
# of options is in there".                                     #
#                                                              #
# On my (Red Hat Linux) system, it lives in the mutt           #
# directory in /usr/doc.                                       #
#                                                              #
# If you don't have it on your system, then you can find the   #
# online manual at the mutt website: http://www.mutt.org, and  #
# follow the links under 'Documentation'.                      #

# Very first command: "ignore"                                 #
#                                                              #
# Email arrives with lots of headers, many of which are really #
# boring unless you're fascinated by the routes email travels  #
# or the exact technical name for the character set that the   #
# email is using. Most people ignore at least some; most mail  #
# programs do the ignoring for you. Mutt lets you choose.      #
#                                                              #
# Remember that Mutt has already looked at and applied         #
# settings from another file before it reads your personal     #
# .muttrc. That file has already told mutt to ignore stuff. If #
# you want to change that, you have to tell mutt to forget     #
# about the earlier file's 'ignore' commands first, before     #
# applying your commands. There is a useful pattern-matching   #
# character for this: a * sign matches 'everything'. So this   #
# is unignore the lot (to get round the fact that mutt may     #
# already have ignored things because of the first file),      #
# and then ignore only the ones on the 'ignore' line.          #
#                                                              #
set folder= ~/Mail
set record=~/Mail/sent
set mbox=~/Mail/mbox
set mbox_type=mbox

# Zeigt nur ausgewaehlte Informationen des Headers an 
ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore organisation organization x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailinglist:
unignore posted-to:

# Setzt meinen Absender
my_hdr From: Martin Schweizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

# Teilt mutt die abonierten  Mailinglists mit

# Adressbucheintraege
alias martin_p [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Schweizer_p)
alias gaby [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gabriela Weber_p)

set signature="~/.signature"

# Mailboxen, um die Mails zu speichern
mailboxes =lynx_mails
mailboxes =i4b_mails
mailboxes =mutt_mails

set sendmail_wait=-1

# The global Muttrc has as a comment for the next command:     #
#                                                              #
# "Imitate the old search-body function"                       #
#                                                              #
# Mutt used to have a one-key command to search message bodies #
# but now it's a whole three: "/", followed by "~b". This is   #
# a macro binding escape-b to that combination when you hit it #
# in the pager.                                                #
#                                                              #
# Note that you don't need to keep this in your .muttrc,       #
# because it's already defined in the global one. It will only #
# be different if you choose to rebind escape-b to something   #
# else.                                                        #

# macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'

# simulate the old url menu #

# Again, from the default muttrc. It's another macro. When in #
# either the index or the pager (ie, reading a message), you  #
# can hit ^B and the urlview program will be invoked.         #
# (Normally, you'd have to hit the | symbol and then type     #
# urlview and hit return.) Note: old Red Hat systems (6.0)    #
# didn't require you to have urlview installed, and so if you #
# don't have anything happen, then this might be why :)       #

macro index \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'

# To get -out- of urlview, btw, when you've finished looking  #
# at a web page, hit 'q' to get out of Lynx, 'y' to tell it   #
# that yes, you really mean it, 'q' to get out of urlview,    #
# and any key to get back to the mutt page you were on.       #

# Show documentation when pressing F1                         #
#                                                             #
# This is already in the standard global Muttrc. I think it's #
# a _bad_ idea to put this into your personal .muttrc too.    #
#                                                             #
# That's because when a new version of mutt is installed,     #
# part of the install process updates the global Muttrc with  #
# the new home for the documentation. (The exact numbers at   #
# the end of the filename differ with each version.) But it   #
# will not update people's personal files. Because they're    #
# read in order, if you don't keep your personal one up to    #
# date, you can end up with mutt reading the global file,     #
# knowing where the documentation is; then reading your local #
# one and resetting where it thinks the documentation is to   #
# somewhere that is now out of date and doesn't exist. So if  #
# you're copying the global one over as a starting point,     #
# take these lines out of your personal one, or put # marks   #
# at the start so mutt thinks these lines are comments and    #
# ignores them. Like this:                                    #

# macro generic <f1> "!less /usr/doc/mutt-1.0pre3i/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt doc 
# macro index   <f1> "!less /usr/doc/mutt-1.0pre3i/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt doc 
# macro pager   <f1> "!less /usr/doc/mutt-1.0pre3i/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt doc 

# Mailboxes                                                   #
#                                                             #
# These don't _need_ to be full pathnames, but I never got    #
# round to changing them :)                                   #
#                                                             #
# The mailboxes line (or lines) tell mutt where to check for  #
# new mail arriving. (To produce the "New mail in:" message   #
# that mutt shows when you're reading other mail.)            #
#                                                             #
# Note that mutt is -not- responsible for sorting mail into   #
# these places. For that, you need procmail or something.     #
# Mutt only knows that these are places where it should look  #
# to see if there's new mail arriving.                        #
#                                                             #
# Also note that mutt is not what controls the "You have new  #
# mail" messages that you get when you're doing other things  #
# at the command line. That is controlled by the shell. (For  #
# bash users, you can tell your shell where where to look     #
# with the MAILPATH variable, described in 'man bash'.)       # 

# mailboxes /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.asatru /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.bugtraq 
# mailboxes /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.cvs-commits /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.gnome-list 
# mailboxes /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.gnome-doc-list /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.linuxchix 
# mailboxes /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.mutt-users /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.oswg
# mailboxes /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.procmail /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.rh-announce 
# mailboxes /homee/hobbit/Mail/IN.testing /home/hobbit/Mail/IN.wm-user

# Lists                                                        #
#                                                              #
# If you are not on any mailing lists, you can ignore this     #
# variable and its explanation completely and skip ahead.      #
#                                                              #
# lists does a couple of things. If you have lists defined,    #
# you can use the list name in the index_format variable (see  #
# later!) You can reply to the list with 'L' even when the     #
# reply-to was set to the sender and not the list. Stuff like  #
# that. It's _very_ useful: you don't realise how useful until #
# you've been using it for a while and then have to do without #
# it in a different mailer.                                    #
#                                                              #
# For each mailing list that you want mutt to recognise, you   #
# want the name that appears before the @-sign in the list     #
# email address. You don't need the entire address.            #
#                                                              #
# This is an entirely separate variable from the mailboxes     #
# one, btw. Don't confuse the two. As an example, I have a     #
# mailbox in this file called IN.asatru. That has two lists    #
# filtered into it by procmail. I have to put two separate     #
# entries in for 'lists', one for each mailing list.  In the   #
# same way, IN.linuxchix has several lists filtered into it.   #

# lists asatru asatru-l bugtraq gnome-list gnome-doc-list grrltalk 
# lists issues mutt-users oswg procmail techtalk wm-user

# Lots of variables.                                           #
#                                                              #
# If you are looking at the default Muttrc you'll see a few(!) #
# other things which I have either commented out or deleted.   #
# They're in the default one already, so I don't need them all #
# in here as well.                                             #
#                                                              #
# There are explanations of them all in the manual, mostly in  #
# section 6. I haven't pasted all of that into here, although  #
# I've added in a few comments of my own about some of them.   #
# I have, though, included the ones I have changed, and why I  #
# think my choices are better!                                 #
#                                                              #
# If something's in quotes, it usually means you can put your  #
# preferred version (like the filename) in there instead. A    #
# lot of the options, though, are called 'quad-options': a     #
# wonderful concept which mutt seems to have started and I     #
# wish other programs did the same! As well as 'yes' and 'no', #
# there's also 'ask-yes' and 'ask-no'. The first two just do   #
# it automatically; the second pair give you the option, but   #
# assume either yes or no if you don't tell it something       #
# different.                                                   #
#                                                              #
# There's an interesting twist to these options. As well as    #
# setting them like this, and having them affect things all    #
# through mail-reading, you can set these options to vary      #
# according to folder. I like this, and I have included the    #
# ones I use after this section. But first, the ones for all   #
# folders...                                                   #

# Where to put aliases. Since mutt doesn't automatically look  #
# for it, if you change it from .muttrc you will need to put   #
#       source aliasfilename                                   #
# after it at the start of a new line.                         #
# set alias_file="~/.muttrc"

# When arrow_cursor is set, only an arrow shows your cursor,   #
# rather than the entire line being highlighted. This is       #
# faster on slower links. And besides, I find the entire line  #
# being bright rather garish. So...                            #
set arrow_cursor

# If set you get prompted for Cc's: people to send copies to.  #
# set askcc

# The string to precede quoted text in replies.                #
# The default is: set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:"           #
# %d is the date of the quoted message. %n is the author.      #
set attribution="On %d %n wrote:"

# unset auto_tag is the default. I forget why I changed this :)#
set auto_tag

# set beep means you get a beep with an error. If you have     #
# your terminal set up to flash instead of beeping, this can   #
# be quite horrendous!                                         #
unset beep

# confirmappend and confirmcreate are both set by the global   #
# Muttrc.                                                      #
#                                                              # 
# confirmcreate is very handy for catching typos so I like it. #
# confirmappend is just a pain :) So out it goes:              #
unset confirmappend

# set copy=yes                                                 #
# Make a copy of all email you send? This is the default, but  #
# if you're short on diskspace you might want to unset it.     #
set copy=yes

# set date_format="!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"            #
# The way the date is displayed in the index. It uses a set    #
# of variables you can find in the manual page for strftime:   #
# type 'man strftime' and boggle. Yes, you can decide to have  #
# all messages labelled with how many seconds it has been      #
# since 1970, if you're really bored. But it's probably much   #
# more useful to leave this one as the default.                #

# set editor=""                                                #
# Defaults to VISUAL, EDITOR, or vi (yuk!)                     #
# VISUAL and EDITOR are set in your shell.                     #
set editor=ee

# set forward_format="[%a: %s]"                                #
# This results in a Subject line of a long email address and   #
# then the old subject. Some people (me :)) dislike this. So   #
# of course you can change it to something which keeps just    #
# the Subject line and puts "Fwd: " before it:                 #
set forward_format="Fwd: %s"

# set indent_string="> "                                       #
# Note that it's a very bad idea to change this. If you don't  #
# know why, then you _don't_ want to change it. It's a netwide #
# convention. People use this pattern when they want to        #
# highlight quoted text, for example.                          #

# set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"         #
# The explanation for this is... um. Complicated. See the      #
# manual :)                                                    #
#                                                              #
# I don't like it because the capital L means that the list    #
# name is displayed rather than the sender's name. I sort my   #
# lists into folders anyway, so I don't need that. So, I'd     #
# change the L to an F to get the sender's name:               #
# set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"         #
#                                                              #
# ...except that this is a variable that I want differently in #
# different folders. See below for the folder hooks. (Quite a  #
# bit below, yes..)                                            #

# set mailcap_path=""                                          #
# Where to look for mailcap to know how to display MIME stuff  #
# mutt can't do. Mutt has a list of good guesses, so you       #
# shouldn't need to fill this in. If you want to change how    #
# mutt reacts to particular sorts of message, then the file    #
# that gets read here is what you want to change.              #

# set mark_old                                                 #
# Makes mutt assume that if I quit without reading new         #
# messages, they should be marked as old. I hated this with    #
# elm, so this is the first thing I ever changed.              #               
unset mark_old

# set mbox="~/mbox"                                            #
# Nono, not in my home directory, thank you. Btw, the + means  #
# 'this file lives in my mail directory'. An = sign means the  #
# same thing, but "set mbox==received" looks silly.            #

# set mbox_type="mbox"                                         #
# I think I'll leave that alone, yes.                          #

# You get used to the pager in mutt, but you could change it   #
# and read everything with 'more' or 'less' by putting the     #
# pathname in here.                                            #
set pager="builtin"

# unset pager_context                                          #
# Number of lines carried over when new screenful of text.     #
set pager_context=1

# set postponed="~/postponed" This is where postponed stuff    #
# goes. I really dislike having loads of files in my home      #
# directory, so I put everything I can elsewhere.              #
set postponed="~/Mail"

# Oh, the excitement: a choice of printers. But this is        #
# probably _not_ what most people want as their default        #
# printer. Be warned!                                          #
set print_command="lpr -P lp0"

# set quit=yes                                                 #
# Really quit? I hit this by mistake all the time, so..        #
set quit=ask-yes

# set record=""                                                #
# Where copies of what you send go. Default is nowhere, which  #
# is a bit silly, because the default for whether copies are   #
# made is yes, they are. So you want somewhere to put them.    #
#set record="=sent"
set record="~/Mail/sent"

# set save_empty                                               #
# If unset, removes empty mail folders. If you have a -lot- of #
# folders, saving empty folder names makes the file browser    #
# way too big. So...                                           #
unset save_empty

# set smileys="(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"                #
# Mutt's -strangest- option! Some people like to highlight     #
# quoted text. Other people use :> as smileys. This option is  #
# here to let you try to separate out the quotes from the      #
# smileys. If you don't understand the regular expression,     #
# rest assured you're not alone...                             #

# set sort=date-sent                                           #
# You could do this, or sort by date-received, or by threads,  #
# or by from, mailbox-order, score, size, subject, or who it's #
# to. Threads is -really- good for mailing lists. Because I    #
# want different folders to be sorted differently, see below   #
# where the folder-hooks are.                                  #
# set sort=date-received
# set sort=threads

# set to_chars="+TCF"                                          #
# How to highlight mail to you. I dislike these. I know they   #
# are to me: that's why they're in my mailbox! So off they go. #
# Note that the 'default' which I have quoted is wrong: it     #
# should have five characters, not four. This is now fixed,    #
# but older /etc/Muttrc files may still have that. The manual  #
# tells you what five groupings these are.                     #
set to_chars="     "

# IMAP: don't use it, so no clue.                              #

# PGP: I have this, but I don't use it much. It seems to       #
# work okay with the default options though. I recently        #
# switched to GnuPG, which meant changing a few things. I'm    #
# still not sure I have them quite right, so I'm leaving them  #
# out for now.

# Colours                                                      #
#                                                              #
# Goodness knows. I either read mutt on a plain black/white    #
# screen or in X, where I like transparent terminals with the  #
# background picture showing through. So I don't use colour.   #
#                                                              #
# A note here for those who start mutt in X and get a set of   #
# defaults that bear no resemblance to what they have in any   #
# file. Type 'mutt -v' or 'mutt --version' and you'll get a    #
# list of things. Does it say mutt [ncurses] or mutt [slang]?  #
# It will be one or the other. If it's slang, here's what I    #
# had to do in order to get my normal backgrounds to show      #
# through: if you are using bash as a shell (probably, if you  #
# are using Linux; I think it's pretty standard there) then    #
# type this at your prompt; then start mutt and look. If it    #
# worked, then put the two lines into your .bash_profile.      #
#                                                              #
#               COLORFGBG="default;default"                    #
#               export COLORFGBG                               #
#                                                              #
# Please don't ask me for an explanation or I'll cry.          #
#                                                              #
# I first noticed this when in X. Whether it's necessary for   #
# just reading at the console, I don't know. It doesn't hurt,  #
# certainly.                                                   #

# Folder-hooks: or options which vary with folder.             #
#                                                              #
# For some of the options above, I want things to vary by      #
# folder. Mutt is very flexible like this. You can have all    #
# sorts of hooks: save-hooks, send-hooks, and folder-hooks. I  #
# don't use the first two (yet), but these folder-hooks might  #
# give you some ideas.                                         #
#                                                              #
# Some basics:                                                 #
#       . means every folder                                   #
#       = or + in front of a name means it's a mail folder     #
#    which is in your MAILDIR -- your mail directory. This is  #
#    probably ~/Mail.                                          #
#                                                              #
# Mutt goes through them in order, applying them successively. #
# So for each folder-hook you define, have a default. If you   #
# don't have a default for a folder, mutt will just apply the  #
# folder-hooks it was last using. This can be... unfortunate.  #
# That's where (and why) the . becomes very handy: you can set #
# it to something innocuous and safe.                          #

# First folder-hook: sorting mail in different folders. What   #
# order do you want your email in? Threading is fantastic      #
# for lists: it's absolutely the best option, IMO. If folder-  #
# hooks didn't exist, and I had to choose one option for all   #
# folders, I'd use threading. But I don't really like it for   #
# some other folders. Luckily, folder-hooks do exist...        #
#                                                              #
# So first the default. Out of the long list of mailboxes I    #
# defined at the top of the file, I want the majority of them  #
# threaded. So that sounds like the best default for me:       #

folder-hook . set sort=threads

# Now the exceptions:                                          #
#                                                              #
# For personal email, I want to see what's arrived in what     #
# order in one folder, and I want to see when I sent things in #
# the other. So those two are easy and we'll get those out of  #
# the way first. (By the way, the sent folder isn't in the     #
# mailbox line because I don't want mutt to tell me about new  #
# mail in it.)                                                 #

# folder-hook /var/mail/info set sort=date-received
# folder-hook =sent set sort=date-sent

# Now I have a mailbox which is more complicated. In the       #
# IN.cvs-commits mailbox, many many messages arrive constantly #
# and I am only interested in messages about five or six       #
# things. Luckily, those things are mentioned in the subject   #
# line. So I score by subject contents, assigning 1 to things  #
# I'm interested in, and nothing to things I'm not bothered    #
# about. Then I sort this mailbox by score, and the things I   #
# want to know about are at the top.                           #
#                                                              #
# If instead of adding 1 to "good" subjects, I subtracted 1    #
# from the other subjects, I believe Mutt won't show those     #
# with negative numbers. I haven't tried.                      #
#                                                              #
# Sorting by score relies on using a special set of patterns   #
# which can be found in section 4.2 of the manual. Be warned,  #
# however, that three of those are not used: ~b, ~B and ~h.    #
# This is to be considered a feature: it increases speed :)    #
#                                                              #
# For the curious with no manual (how?) ~e matches the sender  #
# field and ~s matches the subject. You put the twiddle and    #
# what it should match in single quotes, and put the score to  #
# assign to that after it. Then it all goes into double        #
# quotes.                                                      #

# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits set sort=score
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "unscore *"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s gnome-core' 1"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s gnome-libs' 1"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s gnome-docu' 1"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s desktop-docs' 1"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s white-papers' 1"
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits "score '~s crescendo' 1"

# It's also possible to score by other things. For example,    #
# when I am subscribed to two lists called "junk-not" and      #
# "junk", I have them in the same mailbox. One has an extra    #
# header. So I use:                                            #
#                                                              #
# folder-hook IN.junk set sort=score                           #
# folder-hook IN.junk "unscore *"                              #
# folder-hook IN.junk "score '~e junk-not' 1"                  #
#                  ...for those.                               #

# Altering the index appearance in different folders           #
#                                                              #
# This is the index_format from earlier in the file. In the    #
# manual, you'll find the syntax and all the complicated       #
# patterns you can use under the description of index_format   #
# in section 6.                                                #
#                                                              #
# Here's the default:                                          #
# index_format= "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"            #
#                                                              #
# My pattern-matching is appalling, and I have never been able #
# to work out all of this. However, I can guess, based on how  #
# it appears when I start mutt.                                #
#                                                              #
# For people like me who have their list-email in different    #
# folders, it's unnecessary to see the list name as the sender #
# of the message. I am more likely to want to see the name of  #
# the sender. So I substituted the capital L for a capital F   #
# and that works fine for me. So that's my idea of the default #
# folder-hook.                                                 #
#                                                              #
# For the lists sorted by score (=IN.cvs-commits and =IN.junk) #
# I want to have the score displayed, too, on the left of the  #
# display.                                                     #
#                                                              #
# Because of the way mutt processes quote marks, the folder-   #
# hooks need extra quote marks around them that the standard   #
# variable doesn't need.                                       #
#                                                              #
# So, after all that explanation, spot the differences!        #
# I've left the Muttrc default in, commented out, for          #
# comparison.                                                  #
# set index_format="%S %F %s %d %c %B"

# default is   set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
 folder-hook . 'set index_format="%Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F  %-30.30s (%4c)"'
# folder-hook IN.junk 'set index_format="%2N %2C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"'
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits 'set index_format="%2N %2C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"'

# Saving accoring to folder-hooks.                             #
#                                                              #
# There is a _much_ better way to do this if you want to save  #
# stuff based on which person sent it. It's the save-hook      #
# itself. Because I tend to save things depending on what      #
# _folder_ it's in, I use a folder-hook.                       #
#                                                              #
# Again, there's a default catch-all at the top (the dot)      #
#                                                              #
# The folder-hooks are very simplistic: the * matches          #
# everything in the folder!                                    #
#                                                              #

# folder-hook . save-hook * =received
# folder-hook IN.asatru save-hook * =asatru
# folder-hook IN.bugtraq save-hook * =bugtraq
# folder-hook IN.cvs-commits save-hook * =cvs-commits
# folder-hook IN.gnome-list save-hook * =gnome-list
# folder-hook IN.gnome-doc-list save-hook * =gnome-doc-list
# folder-hook IN.junk save-hook * =junk
# folder-hook IN.linuxchix save-hook * =linuxchix
# folder-hook IN.mutt-users save-hook * =mutt-users
# folder-hook IN.rh-announce save-hook * =rh-announce
# folder-hook IN.techwriters save-hook * =techwriters
# folder-hook IN.testing save-hook * =testing
# folder-hook IN.ukpmla save-hook * =ukpml
# folder-hook IN.wm-user save-hook * =wm-user

# I could have used this instead for the mailing lists:        #
# save-hook ~l =%B                                             #
# This matches anything coming from a list (~l) and saves it   #
# to a folder called whatever the mailing list was called.     #
# But I didn't because I'm bad at pattern-matching and my way  #
# is more legible to me when I look at it.                     #

# The end.                                                     #
#                                                              #
# What, you're still reading? No, really, it's finished. I     #
# don't know any more. :)                                      #
#                                                              #
# If you are curious about the folders and how email ended up  #
# there, then you might want to have a look at my procmailrc,  #
# which is what splits email up into folders for me. It is not #
# mutt's job. Mutt just deals with the email once it hits the  #
# folders.                                                     #
#                                                              #
# I hope you learned something, even if it was only that some  #
# people (like me, perhaps?) have most peculiar methods of     #
# dealing with their email. Have fun, borrow, rewrite, and     #
# please don't blame me if you do strange and wonderful things #
# to how mutt displays your email. Unlike a .procmailrc, this  #
# is a fairly safe file to experiment with. You really have to #
# -try- to end up doing bad things to your email with mutt;    #
# whereas procmail has that capacity as a sort of intrinsic    #
# property...                                                  #
#                                          -- Telsa            #

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