I am using pattern parsing to order my index screens, scoring on
a header I write to incoming mails with procmail. I have 125 students
sending me mail from all over and I want the mail to be ordered
in the index screen by their student ID number so it is easy to
transfer grades to the grade book.
I wanted to use a custom header like Student-ID: to avoid messing with
information in the emails and so when I unignore the header it only
shows for messages from my students. But mutt won't let me. I have
to use the Sender: header.
Procmail uses a table of email addresses and student IDs to write the
student ID (actually school email addresses) in the email. In .muttrc,
I have a series of lines of the form:
score "~e s.....7.@ms1" 20
score "~e s.....8.@ms1" 10
score "~e s.....9.@ms1" 00
score "~e s......0@ms1" 9
score "~e s......1@ms1" 8
score "~e s......2@ms1" 7
This works OK, except for the inelegance above, when I hit 'o' and
'c' in the index screen.
I was getting "not supported in this mode" messages for the following:
~B EXPR messages which contain EXPR in the whole message
~h EXPR messages which contain EXPR in the message header
I had to use:
~e EXPR message which contains EXPR in the ``Sender'' field
I've forgotten what version this was. Could have been 0.95. How
difficult would it be to hack the code for this?
Greg Matheson Make a mistake
Chinmin College, Taiwan Try it, you'll like it