So this is my current .qmail file:
So what would I add here?
I am confused. I thought you can only have one command in there. I want
to have an mbox file that is named $HOME/Mail/backup-inbox
Please help.
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 12:39:44PM -0500, Jack McKinney muttered:
| Big Brother tells me that Jason Helfman wrote:
| > I have Qmail and am filtering with Procmail to MAILDIR format, however I
| > would like to backup mail very easily by having all incoming mail to go
| > a backup-inbox in MBOX format, and use Roessler's compression patch to
| > view it.
| >
| > Is this possible?
| > How would I define the mailbox format in mutt?
| >
| > Would this be a folder hook?
| This isn't a mutt issue. Just add an extra line to your .qmail file
| such as './Mailbox', and all incoming mail is saved to that file in
| addition to anything else in your .qmail (such as your preline/procmail
| entry).
| --
| "Restore your inalienable human rights. Jack McKinney
| Vote Libertarian.
| 1024D/D68F2C07 4096g/38AEF076
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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