On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:11:20AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I wrote:
> > > Anyway, I'd REALLY like to be able to change directories while inside
> > > mutt; that's one of the things I've found wanting in elm that I hoped

> There are work-arounds: I can press "s", erase the suggested filename, and
> type in the path to the directory where I want to save it, followed by
> the same filename that was suggested in the first place... but after doing
> that a few dozen times in a row, it gets really old.  

I don't know if this helps, but you can define macros for the line editor.
Like macro editor '\I' ~/slist/i/archive/latest
But you would still have to type in the attachment name. I use this to 
get to folders not in my Mail directory, and which I don't want in my 
mailbox screen. I try to make the directories and folders I use a lot
just one or two letters long.

Greg Matheson                                     Make a mistake
Chinmin College, Taiwan                           Try it, you'll like it

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