On 2000.10.26 09:11:20, you,
 the extraordinary [EMAIL PROTECTED], opined:

> I wrote:
> > > Anyway, I'd REALLY like to be able to change directories while inside
> > > mutt; that's one of the things I've found wanting in elm that I hoped
> > > mutt would remedy....
> Someone whose name I missed suggested
> macro index A ":set folder="                                                    
>macro index A ":set folder="                                                    
> and Kai Blin wrote:
> > You mean like c does? Try it. you can change the default setting by setting
> > the $folder variable in your .muttrc...
> > ... 
> > you could define a macro to set your folder to ~/class and browse to your
> > desired folder..
> As I understand it, all three of these solutions change what _mail folder_
> I'm reading, which isn't what I want.  I want to keep reading the same mail
> folder (typically, though not always, my incoming-and-not-yet-read queue),
> but change the _directory in which attachments are saved_.

Actually, mutt is cute about this. If I'm reading
=Lists/mutt-users [aka /home/nollaig/mail/Lists/mutt-users]
and do

:set folder=~/tmp

mutt continues to show me =Lists/mutt-users, and typing
"c" then "?" gets me a listing of my mailboxes, all of
which are in ~/mail; but when I save a message from
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" the default filename offered is

Mind you, Mikko's suggestion is the best, if the
patch he mentions is not just a Corrs-induced 
figment of his imagination....

Cheers, N.

that's Corrs, not Coors
Nollaig MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oppose renaming Mt Logan!! http://www.savemtlogan.com

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