On 26, Oct, 2000 at 12:24:52AM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
> According to Morten Liebach on Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 12:01:04AM +0200:
> | Hi!
> | 
> |  I'm getting a lot af mail with *.doc files attached, and I'd like to
> | use catdoc to show them in mutt, how do I do that?
> | 
> | I have the line:
> | 
> |     application/msword; catdoc -s iso8859-1 %s|less; cupiousoutput
> I use:
> application/msword;   /usr/local/bin/mswordview %s -o - --nocredits| \ 
> /usr/local/bin/html2ascii|sed 's/\\[.*.gif\\]//';copiousoutput
> You will need to install mswordview (which is worth doing).
> The `\' indicates an unwanted line break.

Hmmm ...
$ cd /usr/ports
$ make search key="mswordview"

Damn. it isn't in the ports tree (OpenBSD-current), so I don't want to
fiddle around with it right now, running the risk of trying to make a
linux-centric app compile and run on OpenBSD, something I've had little
luck and lots of work with! :-)

But I know mswordview, and it's the best there is for that thing, BTW,
why don't you pipe the output from mswordview to w3m, links or lynx?
That's what I would do in your place.

It turned out I just needed to loose the '|less' to make it do what I
wanted, and I'm wondering why I piped to less, I seem to remember that I
experimented and found I needed it, but I don't!

Thanks for the pointers and the spellchecking, I've now
s/cupious/copious/'ed it, and it also helped. ;-)

Thanks to the two guys mailing me off-list too.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

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